About Us

My name is Mohd Salman, and I hail from Uttar Pradesh, India. I am a businessman by profession, as well as a writer and blogger. The WHAT’s ON HOLLYWOOD website provides people with news and information about Marvel Studios, DC Comics, and popular Hollywood movies. Ever since I was a child, I have been an ardent fan of Hollywood films and possess extensive knowledge about them. Many individuals consider me an expert in Hollywood movies, particularly those from Marvel and DC. I have even received job offers from prominent companies, inviting me to write articles for their blogs and share Hollywood-related information. However, my true passion lies in sharing all my knowledge on my website, Whatsonhollywood.com

I hold steadfast to the belief that I should never provide false information to visitors, and I promise to every one of them that I will maintain this principle. I am deeply grateful to all the individuals who have dedicated their valuable time to visiting my website, and I assure you that I will do my utmost to ensure that you are never disappointed or left with any cause for complaint.

For any further inquiries or communication, please feel free to reach me at the following details:

Author’s Full Name: Mohd Salman
Author’s Office Address: Joya, Delhi Road, Near HDFC Bank, 244222, Uttar Pradesh, India
Author’s Office Phone Number: 8791119243
Author’s Office Email: sh6201427@gmail.com